You can now see the recording we made of this conference here . The 10th International Permaculture Convergence (IPC10) takes place in Jordan this year, this September, and Integral Permaculture is on the programme. As we'll be giving an online talk, you're invited to participate: Date: 21 September, 9am GMT/UTC 11am in Jordan, duration 50mins (Jordan is on UTC+2 time, check map for your time) The Integral Permaculture Curriculum an international collaboration The NodoEspiral of the Permaculture Academy presents an online live conference (with recording available afterwards) during the 10th International Permaculture Convergence, IPC10 , that takes place in Jordan this year. This presentation will not only be live but interactive: you can put questions & comments as we go, we'll attempt to make it as much into a live workshop as possibl...