Integral Permaculture
offers radical & doable solutions for a Planet in Crisis
and now there is a growing network where you will be able to study the basic certificate course locally, with an international network of integral permaculture projects.
This community will be offering a networked Integral PermaCulture Design Certificate
The First Courses
During November & December 2014 will be trying out this networked iPDC for the very first time simultaneously in Italy, mainland Spain & the Canary Islands, both in english & spanish: in the Damanhur Federation, Finca Caracol & the 8thLife EcoVillage project respectively. (Subscribe to the email list or the Facebook group in order to get news of future courses)
More permaculture projects are getting ready to come on-line during 2015! And if you'd like to facilitate one of them in a permaculture project near you (or your own), make sure to join us as a student during October or contact us via skype as soon as possible.
for more details
Why iPDC?
We are calling this the iPDC because in many ways it is a great innovation in terms of permaculture design teaching:
1) you will benefit from a radicalized version of the traditional PDC, which includes all the essential 72hour internationally agreed curriculum but within the expanded integral perspective (read the 'What is Integral Permaculture' article on this website for more details on this)
2) you will immediately plug into a wide network of support - which you can access online anytime - that you can use to integrate all the wonderful tools you will be introduced to during the course into your real-life projects
3) you can take the course at the site you prefer in an expanding network of permaculture projects, all working together to join forces to provide you with a truly unique experience
4) and you can also do the same course at home if you prefer, but connenecting every night of the course with all the other students doing the course in different locations simultaneously.
... and you can see more Added Advantages on the site ...
TransMedia is something corporations are busy perfecting in order to distract us with more appealing virtual reality (mostly) ... but we are hacking these technologies to make changing the real world more compelling, and realistic for most ordinary people.
Our Journey to this Network ... in Pictures
You may not know that this Integral Permaculture Academy came about primarily as an excercise in designing for better collective intelligence. First, in 2004, by designing a more complete PDC action-learning curriculum (the colours in our paw icon represent the 5 modules)
In 2005 we held a workshop
on Chaordic Organizations at IPC7
in Croacia (International Permaculture Convergence) in order
to encourage us to design our PC
networks a lot more consciously.
We proposed a Chaordic Permaculture Institute but it was too early as most people said 'what's chaordic'?
on Chaordic Organizations at IPC7
in Croacia (International Permaculture Convergence) in order
to encourage us to design our PC
networks a lot more consciously.
We proposed a Chaordic Permaculture Institute but it was too early as most people said 'what's chaordic'?
Then in 2008 we presented a follow-up workshop at IPC8 in Brazil
where (from convergence report):
"Stella consistently opened
the door wider and wider into
the world of Chaordic systems and
the possibility for evolving
from the confusion of
current organizational
management and growth".
This resulted in a pilot
for a Chaordic PC Institute ...
... & later a "Version 4" for the Permaculture Diploma, in 2010,
which is what we now offer
as an Academy + so much more..
"Stella consistently opened
the door wider and wider into
the world of Chaordic systems and
the possibility for evolving
from the confusion of
current organizational
management and growth".
This resulted in a pilot
for a Chaordic PC Institute ...
... & later a "Version 4" for the Permaculture Diploma, in 2010,
which is what we now offer
as an Academy + so much more..
especially a world-wide cooperative
of integral permaculture designers
working together to learn
to design the collective intelligence
we need to really change society.
Join us!
of integral permaculture designers
working together to learn
to design the collective intelligence
we need to really change society.
Join us!
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