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New Free MiniCourses

The Mission of the Academy is to offer high quality training in Permaculture Design.   To that end we have created a series of unique action learning programs in Integral Permaculture which cover all aspects that we need to understand (& especially how to connect them all) for a transition toward a sustainable society.

For this reason we especially enjoy making ever more accessible & inclusive this wonderful science which is so critically important today, & we are delighted now to have these three free initiatives to broadcast this knowledge as widely as possible:
*** NEW ***
The Integral PermaCulture Designers' Manual online,
started in Spanish in 2007,
now bilingual,
to which we are constantly adding new multimedia content.
The Study Circles Network,
launched with 6 groups during 2012,
in which we are currently experimenting with various designs, like PermaVerano (currently only in Spanish)
 The Free MiniCourses
in Integral PermaCulture, designed together with some of
our Diploma students,
which we are launching
in July 2014.

Free MiniCourses

With this new iniciative we have expanded again the free resources offered by the Academy, thanks to the work of a very dynamic & creative team from our diploma students community, who will also act as facilitators of these courses.

We have created these free minicourses mainly by collecting the contents of the conferences that we have been creating over the last years (we've always tried to share as much as possible provocative materials in order to create dialogue with which to expand knowledge in the international Permaculture community), & in this way we facilitate access to these important subjects for re-designing our lives & the society in which we live.   We have also added various elements to encourage interaction & dialogue.

A summary by Jose & Stella of the central team of the Academy:

In July, we start with these MiniCourses:

A. Introduction to Integral Permaculture
B. Food Freedom
C. Introduction to EcoEconomy

In August/September, we plan to finish preparing more MiniCourses:

D. Collective Intelligence
E. Re-Designing Eros
F. Facilitation Basics


These MiniCourses are very multi-functional
(good permaculture principle), in that we invite you to:

1) discovering some of the rich multimedia educational material created so far by the Academy,

2) while trying out if studying permaculture online might work for you (although these are quite different form to how our action-learning courses work, which are based on your real-life desigs, this is a way of 'starting small' - another good permi principle - by trying out a little of how we dialogue with the ideas).

3) you can begin to get to know our community of students and practitioners (in a small way, but we hope you will enjoy having a taste of the supportive & professional environment we have co-created here), 

4) & if you like, you can also co-create with it (by improving these same mini-courses with your contributions - all of our work to date is the result of a big collaboration with lots of people passionate about these subjects)

5) You can use these materials to start your own small study circle, simply by sharing the classes with a friend or family member, to start with (we will offer more support with this with course F. of Basic Facilitation)

6) The MiniCourses can serve as a very good preparation if you want to later progress to the action learning courses at a higher level (eg. the PDC+++ course easily reaches university level if you already have some previous base, & many of our graduate students comment that they found it much more useful than their degree, as it is so integrated & very practical)

Also, you can earn Permis* depending on your interventions in the dialogues (the service you bring to the community - that you can later use as discounts for any of the Academy's courses, if you wish to further your Integral PermaCulture training).

Permis are the complementary currency we use to value exchanges in the Academy.

8) & finally, if you wish to do something different in order to help yourself re-design your life (or you want some time & support in order to reflect on what is happening in the world, & maybe to think of how you can contribute to the Great Transition that we are living), these MiniCourses are an ideal start.

See web of

MiniCourses Facilitators

The MiniCourses also serve as a training ground for online facilitation, starting small, for some of our apprentice-teachers.

Here Cécile & Bérénice, two of the facilitators in English, present themselves in their own words:

I have a Masters in Sustainable Development & I have been following with great interest all about the Integral Permaculture Academy since I first became acquainted with them, back in 2011.

On my way to designing a sustainable lifestyle for myself, I highly value all of the knowledge & practical help I am getting, now on my way to the Diploma..

I am excited to start on the apprentice teacher path by facilitating these MiniCourses because I always thrive when I can share with others and learn from others.

What I find most interesting with these courses is that they are designed to be highly interactive, so I am looking forward to engage in lots of colourful conversations with the participants!

Hello! I am Bérénice. I am french and I live in a  small town in Catalonia – Spain.  Now I am about to finish my PDC with the Integral Permaculture Academy and I’m already enthusiastically looking forward to the next steps.
This course is being very beneficial for me. I first thought that permaculture was like a huge catalogue of patterns and alternative techniques to design a more sustainable… more “self”-sufficient life.  

But now I understand that it’s something much deeper:  behind the word PermaCulture, there is the need of a global, collective and urgent change… which should engage our responsibility and personal commitment, & take us way beyond individualism.
This is one of the reasons why I want to be involved with these minicourses introducing Integral PermaCulture.  As a student, but also as an apprentice teacher, to learn with you how to facilitate, and encourage to keep on this wonderful path to action learning. Because sharing our questions, doubts, reflexions, experiences and mistakes, is a GREAT opportunity to keep on advancing collectively.

Launching PermaVerano

PermaVerano is an experiment for now only in spanish.  It invites you to join in a variety of things, in 4 places in Spain, to spend a summer full of surprising, informative and permacultural activities - courses, workshops, holidays, events, talks... - in Sevilla, Alicante, Granada and LaPalma

This initiative has sprung from the creativity and needs of some of the most pro-active students of the Academy, & of the network of projects that we form between all of us, that we use mainly for mutual support, & we liked the idea of doing something new together, in a network.
In fact the series of free MiniCourses (article above) wer proposed in order to offer a more accessible part of this programme as we wanted that absolutely nobody would be excluded by lack of money or time, & especially we wanted to also offer something for people (proably the majority) who can't afford to leave their families or farms, in order to go on a permacultural holiday.
So anyone who wishes to participate can take some permacultural vacations to their home :)

More information (for now only in Spanish) here: 


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